From Steeple To People

Many churches across the country have embraced CliftonStrengths and started ministries to introduce people to their God-given natural talents and start the participants on the journey of developing them into strengths. That’s where the vision for this ministry started.

Tom Shields was a volunteer strengths coach and facilitator at St. Matthew church in Charlotte, NC. Jim Stablein volunteered to help the ministry with marketing. Eventually, Jim and Tom discussed creating online groups to enable people to continue the strengths-building journey and to enable people without a program in their location to participate in an e-learning environment. was founded to bring that vision to reality. Our goal is to educate people about strengths and provide training, resources, and marketing collateral to churches and other groups that see the value of strengths.

A Ministry for Everyone

Jim believes that ministry leaders should work together in a coordinated way and share information and marketing materials to reduce time burdens on volunteers. But it’s up to leaders to organize their ministries to take advantage of the benefits of sharing, coordinating events, and working together.

In order for us to offer the vitally important training and coaching services, members pay a fee to participate in the online Learning Your Strengths, Living Your Strengths, and Leading with Strengths.

While many people have taken the StrengthsFinder or CliftonStrengths assessment, few go on the journey to master their talents and make them strengths. It takes the understanding that we teach in Learning Your Strengths and it takes the awareness and the practice of Living Your Strengths.

You Are Us

If you’re a leader in teaching or coaching Strengths, then you are one of us. Please contact us and tell us about your talents, knowledge and experience with the 34 Talent themes.

And if you’re not yet a Strengths leader but find in yourself a growing passion to share your knowledge of Strengths, teach and coach people by helping them grow and develop Strengths from talents, then please contact us for a consultation. You may be one of us!

Participants say...

"I was really amazed at how it did define my personality and who I was."
Learning Participant
"I was able to put a definition to behaviors that I've done all my life without being conscious of it."
Jim Stablein